Get Involved
It’s fulfilling to get involved and serve with purpose. In fact, our church cannot reach souls for Jesus without your help! Every serving ministry from greeting to nusery is important. Matthew 20:28 says, “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
One of the noblest ministries is serving the little ones at FOL! Caring for babies in the nursery or teaching kids in our FOL Kids' ministry gives us the chance to minister to parents in adult service.

Be a part of raising up the next generation to change the world for Jesus. FOL Youth is fun, energetic, and an exciting place to serve.

Media & Production
Are you a little more tech-savvy? You may be an expert, and you may be a beginner, but if you enjoy technology and working with equipment, this is a great place for you to grow.

Those on the connections team are most likely the first people visitors see at FOL. We want everyone who walks through our doors to feel loved and welcomed. The host team’s friendliness and resourcefulness can leave a lasting impression on newcomers.